Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Prophetic 101

The Gift of Prophecy

The definition of prophecy is simple. Prophecy is speaking forth themind of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is theoutflow of the heart and very nature of God. Revelation 19:10 saysthat the "testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Jesus caresabout His church and He, therefore, has things He wants tocommunicate to His church. Those communications come by way of theHoly Spirit. That is prophecy. It is what Jesus is saying to HisChurch. The following is a list of different types of Prophets andprophecy found in the scriptures:Nabi.This is the general Hebrew word for prophet. "And all Israelfrom Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as aprophet (nabi) of the LORD." 1 Samuel 3:20Roeh. This Hebrew word means "seer." "Come, let us go to the seer(roeh)." 1 Samuel 9:9Hazon. This Hebrew word is translated as watchman. "Also, I setwatchmen (hazon) over you, saying, `Listen to the sound of thetrumpet!'" Jeremiah 6:17aNataph. This Hebrew word means to preach, to drop from heaven, or tospeak by (heavenly) inspiration. "But if, they do not speak out(nataph) concerning these things, reproaches will not be turnedback." Micah 2:6b

1 comment:

shvnngould said...

Very informtive for those interested in learning more about the gift of Prophesy