Friday, February 16, 2007


FORMS OF PROPHECY Prophecy comes in many different forms, much of what we hear asprophecy is learned behavior. Each person will have their owndistinct "style", based on who they are and what their exposure hasbeen.PROPHETIC ORACLE Implies the Lord is speaking through a person to a group or person.Style of delivery is usually a learned thingAlso the most common form
PROPHETIC EXHORTATION Generally delivered in the same form as the oracle.Direction for those to whom it is given
PROPHETIC PRAYERInspired by God We pray more than we know or understand

PROPHETIC SONGThe heart and mind of God expressed through songMany times more sensitive issues will be addressedPERSONAL PROPHECYProvides edification, exhortation, comfort and guidanceBrings conviction - II Sam. 12:1-7; Story of Nathan and David)

PROPHETIC VISIONMany examples of God speaking through dreams and vision both in theOld and New Testament.

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